The EUREKA Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EUROGIA, EURIPIDES², ITEA 3, PENTA, and SMART  together operate a series of bottom up and thematic calls for International Collaborative research projects under the Eureka Clusters Program.

Application areas for the
Eureka Clusters Calls


Information and Communications Technologies


Smart Electronic Systems


Low-carbon energy technologies

    • ITEA 3

Software innovation

    • PENTA

Electronic Components and Systems

    • SMART

Advanced Manufacturing

    • AI JOINT CAll

Artificial Intelligence

Eureka Clusters Programme (ECP)

About the ECP

The Eureka Clusters Programme (ECP) is a long term intergovernmental initiative to support strategically important thematic R&D&I communities in close cooperation with national public authorities, to create economic strength and societal benefit for the countries involved. The success of the ECP is therefore related to matching the R&D&I needs of the industrial communities with the R&D&I aspirations of national policies and priorities.

The commitment of the Industrial Communities that cooperate in Eureka Clusters is equally important for the ECP to be able to enhance the competitiveness of our industry and the contributions they deliver to societal challenges. Eureka Clusters are mid- to long term R&D&I ecosystems of large industry, SMEs, RTOs and academia that collaborate to bring the next generation of new products and services to the market.

The ECP is build on the strong commitment of Eureka Clusters to build projects, provide experts and coaches, and work on strategic research agendas.

ECP Mission

To Inspire and accelerate global collaborative innovation projects, aligned with national and industry priorities, to create economic strength and societal benefit for the countries involved.

Upcoming calls from EUREKA Clusters:

Section 1
Section 2

In all cases and for all EUREKA Cluster calls,  it is strongly recommended that potential project participants contact their national Public Authority to check their eligibility for support.  Funding eligibility rules per country may vary for specific calls depending on their national priorities.

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