EUREKA Clusters AI Call NEWS
We’re very pleased to there was very significant interest in the EUREKA Clusters AI call. The call has stimulated more than 40 viable proposals. This represents a potential investment of well over 200 Million Euros in AI in Europe.
We want to thank the participating EUREKA clusters – of course the national authorities – for all the hard work preparing and promoting this call. This was very well done collectively and has played a big part in achieving the strong response.
We are now entering the review phase where all proposals will be assessed for technical quality by the cluster experts and the national authorities will check the eligibility of all participants to receive funding support. The results of the review phase will be available at the end of Autumn or early November at the latest.
Enterprise Singapore is pleased to announce that they share the ambitions of the EUREKA Clusters AI Call and are willing to support the participation of interested Singapore companies in projects under this call. Singapore joins this call as a third country (not a EUREKA associated or partner country) so can join as a partner (not main partner) where there is already a minimum of two participants from 2 different EUREKA countries already involved in a project.
As always, the interested Singapore companies should contact Enterprise Singapore early, to discuss company and project eligibility, in addition to making the EUREKA Clusters AI Call Project Application. More details of the Enterprise Singapore support available can be seen in the Funding Page of this website
The EUREKA Clusters AI Call is a cross-cluster thematic Call on AI joint operated by the EUREKA Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EURIPIDES²-PENTA, EUROGIA, and ITEA 3, as they have perceived a common cross domain interest in developing, adapting and utilising emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) within and across their focus areas. These Clusters, together with 15 EUREKA Public Authorities, have now launched this Call for innovative projects in the AI domain. The available budget for this AI Call will be over 40M€, supported by at least 15 countries and the project submissions are expected by the 15th June 2020.
EUREKA Cluster AI Call: Upcoming Events
EUREKA Cluster AI Call Recent EVENTS
TUBITAK, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and EUREKA National Project Office, is pleased to announce that a second information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on the 30th April 2020.
The event was intended for Turkish potential applicants or intermediaries and it was held in Turkish. Nearly 400 participants attended the webinar.
You are able to view and listen to the Webinar on the TÜBİTAK YouTube channel. The agenda of the meeting can be found here.
The contact person for this event is:
TUBITAK: Umut Ege, National Project Coordinator, umut.ege(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Netherlands Enterprise Agency is pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on Tuesday 28th April 2020.
Around 40 interested parties attended and the webinar presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the Dutch funding opportunities
- Complete presentations in one file
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here (language: English):
Netherlands Enterprise Agency: Bob van der Bijl robert-jaap.vanderbijl(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Netherlands Enterprise Agency: Simon Haafs simon.haafs(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Clusters Representative Rémy Renaudin, Euripides remy.renaudin(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Enterprise Singapore is pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on Monday 27 April 2020.
Almost 170 interested parties attended and the webinar presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the Singapore funding opportunities
- Q&A
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here (language: English):
Contact person:
Enterprise Singapore, Mr. Navjeev SINGH, Global Innovation Network Division, Navjeev_SINGH(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação – is pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call has been hold on Monday, 27th April 2020, at 11.30 CEST
Almost 75 interested parties attended and the webinar presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the Portuguese funding opportunities
- Q&A
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here (language: Portuguese):
The Portuguese contact for this EUREKA Clusters AI Call is:
ANI: Cristina Gouveia, cristina.gouveia(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
The German Management Agency is pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on the 23rd April, at 13.00 CET
Almost 80 interested parties attended the webinar and the presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the German funding opportunities
- Q&A
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here (in German):
You can find the announcement from the German Ministry of Economy here.
The contacts for this event are:
DLR- Project Management Agency:
Ms. Dr. Sabine Hemmerling
E-mail: Int-Kooperationsprojekte-PT(at)
Vinnova is pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on Wednesday 22/04/2020 @ 14:00 CEST.
Almost 60 interested parties attended and webinar presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the Swedish funding opportunities
- Q&A,
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here:
For further information about the national call please visit:
The Swedish contact for this EUREKA Clusters AI Call is:
Vinnova: Fredrik Weisner, fredrik.weisner(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
The KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology) International R&D Cooperation Team are pleased to announce that an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call was held on Wednesday the 22th April at 10.00 CEST (17:00 Korean Time).
Almost 60 interested parties attended the webinar.
The webinar agenda presentations are linked here:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the nat. funding opportunities, 15 min
- Q&A, 15 min
The session was recorded and the video can be seen here (in Korean):
The South Korean contact for this EUREKA Clusters AI Call is:
KIAT: Hyewook Joung, Deputy NPC (National Project Coordinator) Korea, hyewook118(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
CDTI, the Spanish innovation agency and EUREKA National Project Office hosted an information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call on the 20th April, at 11.00 CET. The event was attended by almost 250 Spanish potential applicants or intermediaries (from about 400 registrations of interest) and working language was Spanish.
- Presentation of EUREKA CLUSTERS AI Call
(includes Introduction, Call information, Submission tool and Brokerage Tool presentations) - CDTI presentation on EUREKA Clusters AI Call
- AI4ES presentation.
The video of the webinar may be seen here:
The Spanish contact person for the EUREKA Clusters AI Call is:
Óscar Fernández Moyano, Deputy Directorate of Technology Cooperation, Directorate of Evaluation and Technology Cooperation. oscar.fernandez(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
This event was held for Turkish potential applicants or intermediaries and the working language was Turkish.
This information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call held on the 17th April, had over 500 interested in participating but the webinar capacity was only 200. We apologise if you failed to join this webinar but we hope we can share the information with you through the video below (all in Turkish).
The presentations are available below:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Clusters AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Clusters AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Clusters AI Call brokerage tool
Video of the Turkish EUREKA Clusters AI webinar (in Turkish):
The contact person from Turkey for this Call is:
TUBITAK: Umut Ege, National Project Coordinator, umut.ege(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
The Austrian Research Management Agency, FFG, is pleased to announce that the information webinar about the EUREKA Clusters AI Call held on the 16th April, had over 65 registered participants. The presentations are available below:
- EUREKA Clusters – an Introduction
- Presentation of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call submission tool
- Introduction of the EUREKA Cluster AI Call brokerage tool
- Presentation of the Austrian national funding Criteria
The recording is now available.
The Austrian contacts for the EUREKA Cluster AI Call are:
FFG: Marie Katharine Traunfellner, Marie-Katharine.Traunfellner(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
FFG: Michael Walch, michael.walch(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Further Austrian funding information can be found here:
The 4th CELTIC online Proposers Webinar was held on the 31st March.
Presentations from CELTIC AI Proposers Webinar now Available
How real world businesses make use of AI
This conference was held on the 11 May to discuss the Use cases of Artificial Intelligence for businesses. It attracted over 2400 participants from 77 nations
The conference was recorded and can be accessed on the conference website.
As part of the conference, there was also a session on the AI call.